About us
Optimal Programs SRL was incorporated in 2004.
The aim of Optimal Programs is to bring the latest algorithmic developments to the industrial platforms.
Optimal Programs has developed several efficient programs for general optimization, cutting optimization, data analysis, classification, prediction etc.
All Optimal Programs applications are available for free trial download. All trials are fully-featured.
Legal information
S.C. Optimal Programs SRL
Street:Ștrandului 5
Fiscal information
Fiscal Id:16895042
VAT number (only for payments inside the European Union):RO38643437
Reg. No:J01/1128/2004
Bank:Transilvania Bank
Bank headquarters:Romania
How to contact us
Preferred contact address: contact@optimalprograms.com
We usually answer all emails. If you did not receive an answer it means that your server blocks our email address!
We do not send unsolicited emails, so most likely, the problem is in your server only! You should contact your email provider to fix the problem.
Alternatively, you may write us at optimal.programs@gmail.com.
If you have not received the key in few minutes after payment, please check the SPAM folder. Also, write us from a free email address (like gmail or yahoo).
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